Hi Chris πŸ‘‹. I actually like the original formation of your haiku ie on the tent/ the first morning /cicada shell . I think the β€œfragment” rolls off the tongue a bit better and I still made the conection to or the juxapostion of tent and shell. To my ear, dropping β€œon” does make it sound very harsh and direct. Perhaps because Im never up quickly when hiking 😁

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Hi, Sean! Yes, I think I prefer the original as well, at least without the dash. Too much like "this is that" otherwise.

What are your thoughts on senryu in English?

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I'm reading Dr Shiraneβ€˜s article on Haiku at the moment so, let’s say, it's fluid. I'd say I write about 50% Senryu, in which they are serious.

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